Fire 1.5 xTreme Fire 1.5 xTreme x64 PP (4 optimized windows 64-bit executables and readme files, includes normal & PopCnt compiles for both Win7 & Win XP expertly compiled by Peterpan!) Fire 1.5 xTreme w32 NS (optimized windows 32-bit executable and readme files, compiled by NS) Fire 1.5 xTreme w32 no SSE2 NS (optimized windows 32-bit executable and readme files, for older systems that don't support SSE2 instruction set compiled by NS) Fire 1.5 xTreme source code (c++ source code) |
Fire logos by Dave Dahlem:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() others: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fire 1.5 xTreme (for Windows) by Kranium is UCI only, extremely strong, fast, and stable rating: ~ 3300 ELO features: magic bitboards true SMP parallel search configurable pawn hash ponder searchmoves multiPV benchmark and drawboard utilities multi positional gain (for each CPU/core/thread) multi history (for each CPU/core/thread) robbobase support (up to 6 piece endings) 70+ UCI/fire.cfg options random configuration generation loadable historic piece values optional timestamped I/O log file and much more... major changes: 1.5 xTreme Triplebases (TBHit) fixed Historic Piece Values can now be changed 'on-the-fly Ahmed default piece values implemented: 100, 320, 335, 515, 1000 Top Min Depth min/max values inversion option Draw Weight added 5 TM options added: AbsoluteFactor BattleFactor EasyFactor EasyFactorPonder NormalFactor TM algorithms from 1.4 beta SMP up to 16 cores 1.4 xTreme beta 2 Historic Piece Value bug fixed Aspiration Window option added Min Trans Move Depth option added Positional Weight added Static Weight->PST Weight Time Management from Fire 1.32 some code cleanup 1.4 xTreme beta extreme user configurability: all system, search, eval, and material parameters available via an external config file or GUI UCI option dialog box support for 6-piece Robbobases ELO increase random fire.cfg generation 21 historic piece value sets 1.32 maintenance release fixes UCI and fire.cfg piece value change issue (thx to Matt Weaver for identifying this) knight = 320 bishop = 330 queen = 980 tr and col changed to rank and file for improved source code readability/consistency the above changes are mainly functional and likely do not affect overall strength (ELO) 1.31 maintenance release with Fire 1.2 and 1.3, Totalbases and Triplebases can be configured to autoload on engine startup only via the fire.cfg file, so i've added 2 new UCI options, and associated code, which enables configuration of 'autoloading of Robbobases' via UCI GUIs: Autoload Totalbases Autoload Triplebases id name and id author are now placed outside of 'if (CfgFound)' statement in static void uci() this was causing Fire 1.3 to not load in Fritz and CB Hash size wasn't being read properly if using fire.cfg this has now been fixed 1.3 new/faster bitboard LSB/MSB routines mutually exclusive fire.cfg/UCI GUI options phase-scaled piece values improved QSearch fix/improvement MaxThreads = 256 several new/improved eval routines phase multiplier fix code cleanup speed improvement MultiPV now automatically disabled in 'game' mode several small bugfixes UCI options added: Lazy Eval 1 Lazy Eval 2 UCI_EngineAbout AspirationWindow Split At CN Split At EN ANSplitDepth ENSplitDepth PVSplitDepth Contempt Material Weight Positional Weight UseRobboBases Low Depth PVs Time Info Verbose UCI UCI_EngineAbout UCI options removed: NMR Smooth Scaling Extra Info no ELO improvement announcement here... but i'm quite sure that 1.3 is better than 1.2 in this regard... please test yourself to determine engine strength! 1.2 SMP improvements/changes major RobboTripleBase bug fix support for new RobboTriple/Total Blocked (Z) bases added improved hash functions UCI options added: UCI_AnalyseMode, CPU Load Info, Current Move, Depth Info, Hash Full Info, TB Hits Info, Time Info UCI options removed: Analysis Mode, Extra Info, Multi History, Multi Positional Gain NMR Smooth Scaling renamed NMR Scaling (Null Move Reduction Scaling) 1.1 support for RobboTripleBases and RobboTotalBases added reads Fire.cfg parameters file on startup writes (optional) time-stamped I/O log file NMR Smooth Scaling now 'off' by default 1.01 (maintenance release) bug fix: major changes to SMP (to prevent occasional exception error/timeout) changes to NMR Smooth Scaling Null Move verification default = true verification reduction default = 7 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents ->_kbhit 1.0 several minor bugs fixed: no longer occasionally displays score of 0.01 no longer drops a thread after ~16 hours in analysis mode engine now initializes at 128 Mb hash movelists enlarged to accommodate really long games pawn hash set to 32 Mb by default improved time management new UCI options: Get FEN Analysis (Fritz) Mode Move on Ponderhit (Never, Sometimes, Always) NMR Smooth Scaling (Null Move Reduction Smooth Scaling) Pawn Value Knight Value Bishop Value Rook Value Queen Value Bishop Pair Value Null Move Verification Verification Reduction Move on Ponderhit Extra Info UCI options removed: MultiCentiPawnPV RandomCount RandomBits Enhanced Time Management CPU Load implemented ETM has been improved and is now used by default new and improved SMP routines MultiPV now works in 'game' mode as well as 'Analysis' mode Fire is based on IppoLit engines by Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, Igor Igorovich Igoronov, Roberto Pescatore, Yusuf Ralf Weisskopf, Ivan Skavinsky Skavar and all Decembrists for more info: http://ippolit.wikispaces.com this chess ship is a truly glorious achievement of the October Revolution and Decembrists movement! |
UCI and Fire.cfg options: Hash, System, UCISpin, 1, 65536, 128, Pawn Hash, System, UCISpin, 1, 1024, 8, Max Threads, System, UCISpin, 1, MultiPV, System, UCISpin, 1, 250, 1, AN Split Depth, SMP, UCISpin, 10, 20, 10, CN Split Depth, SMP, UCISpin, 10, 20, 10, PV Split Depth, SMP, UCISpin, 10, 20, 10, Pawn, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Knight, Eval, UCISpin, 150, 500, 320, Bishop, Eval, UCISpin, 150, 500, 330, Rook, Eval, UCISpin, 300, 700, 500, Queen, Eval, UCISpin, 500, 1600, 980, Bishop Pair, Eval, UCISpin, 1, 150, 50, Piece Value Set, Eval, UCISpin, 0, 21, 00, Draw Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, King Safety Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Material Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Mobility Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Pawn Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Positional Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, PST Weight, Eval, UCISpin, 50, 200, 100, Lazy Eval Min, Search, UCISpin, 1, 300, 150, Lazy Eval Max, Search, UCISpin, 1, 600, 300, Aspiration Window, Search, UCISpin, 1, 100, 8, Delta Cutoff, Search, UCISpin, 20000, 30000, 25000, Depth Red Min, Search, UCISpin, 2, 24, 12, Height Multiplier, Search, UCISpin, 2, 128, 64, History Threshold, Search, UCISpin, 2, 100, 50, Min Depth Multiplier, Search, UCISpin, 2, 96, 48, Min Trans Move Depth, Search, UCISpin, 2, 32, 16, Null Reduction, Search, UCISpin, 1, 16, 8, Prune Pawn, Search, UCISpin, 1, 300, 150, Prune Minor, Search, UCISpin, 1, 1000, 500, Prune Rook, Search, UCISpin, 1, 1600, 800, Prune Check, Search, UCISpin, 1, 30, 10, QS Alpha Threshold, Search, UCISpin, 50, 400, 200, Search Depth Min, Search, UCISpin, 2, 40, 20, Search Depth Reduction, Search, UCISpin, 2, 12, 6, Top Min Depth, Search, UCISpin, 2, 28, 14, Undo Count Threshold, Search, UCISpin, 2, 30, 15, Value Cut, Search, UCISpin, 1000, 30000, 15000, Verify Null, Search, UCICheck, 0, 0, true, Verify Reduction, Search, UCISpin, 1, 16, 2, Split at CN, SMP, UCICheck, 0, 0, true, Ponder, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Time Easy Factor, "Time", UCISpin, 10, 100, 15, Time Easy Factor Ponder, "Time", UCISpin, 10, 100, 33, Time Battle Factor, "Time", UCISpin, 10, 500, 100, Time Normal Factor, "Time", UCISpin, 10, 500, 75, Time Absolute Factor, "Time", UCISpin, 10, 100, 25, CPU Load Info, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Current Move Info, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Depth Info, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Hash Full Info, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Low Depth PVs, Info, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, NPS Info, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, TBHit Info, Info, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Verbose UCI, Info, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Extend In Check, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Write Log, Other, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Use Robbobases, RobboBases, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, TripleBase Directory, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Unload TripleBases, RobboBases, UCIButton, 0, 0, 0, TotalBase Directory, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Deregister TotalBases, RobboBases, UCIButton, 0, 0, 0, TotalBase Cache, RobboBases, UCISpin, 1, 1024, 1, Dynamic TripleBase Cache, RobboBases, UCISpin, 1, 65536, 1, TripleBase Hash, RobboBases, UCISpin, 1, 4096, 1, Verbose RobboBases, RobboBases, UCICheck, 0, 0, false, Bulk Load Directory, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Bulk Load Name, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Bulk UnLoad Directory, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Bulk UnLoad Name, RobboBases, UCIString, 0, 0, 0, Get FEN String, Other, UCIButton, 0, 0, 0, |
About: my goal with Fire is to combine all the best ideas, features, and strengths from the IppoLit family of releases...IppoLit, RobboLito, Igorrit, and IvanHoe. in addition i have added all the best ideas that Sentinel and i came up with during the development of Robbolito 0.085g3. with enormous beta testing help from the Decembrists and Robbolito comrades, we posted more than a dozen public betas on Immortal223 during the last four months of 2009 (for details, please see the RobboLito page) |
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Motori di scacchi: è uscito Fire 1.5 xTreme !!!
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